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This blog has all my coursework that I am currently studying for AS Media. Please feel free to read and comment.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Planning our short film

The group I was in was working on a scene. After we had posted our videos, we were set questions that we had to answer related to our planning. Here are my answers: 

What did you find most difficult in planning?
The thing I found the most difficult in planning was creating a short film that was related to the task we were set. It was then trying to think of ways that we could accomplish the task without breaking the 'rules' that I posted in one of my previous blogs.  Once we had come up with our film, it was then trying to think of ways we could make the film have different shots and angles. As well as being able to make the film stick to the genre we had chosen for it.

What was the most successful part of your planning?
The most successful part of the planning was the fact that we had come up with an idea of how we going to shoot the film. The shot size we were going to use and how we could improve it. I think that even though we had kept that same shot size, the film had accomplished what we wanted it to.

What was the effect of the restrictions of having no dialogue to tell the story?
The effect of having no dialogue meant that it made it harder for the group i was in to come up with a story that we could shoot. I think that it made it more stressful as it meant that it took us longer to think about the shot sizes and the story we were going to tell. However I think that it made it easier because we didn't have to worry about writing a script, which meant we would have had to worry about what the actors would have to say. I also think that it made the film a lot better in a way. This is because it made the film more effective in trying to tell the story.

What did you learn from editing the film?
I learnt how to edit a film. I realised how you can use editing to make a film more effective in getting the story across.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent detailed reflection. Interesting that you found the restriction on dialogue contradictory. I agree that such restriction can be frustrating but often as you discovered through restrictions come creative solutions.
