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This blog has all my coursework that I am currently studying for AS Media. Please feel free to read and comment.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Analysing a Serial Drama

My homework for the this week was to analyse a Serial Drama. I was to take notes on the Lighting, Mise-En-Scene and the sound of the programme. The Serial Drama I chose to watch is Eastenders. Most of the episode was set outside so much of the lighting wasn't really required. As I watched the show, I noticed that the lighting was used in the scenes inside a hpouse to make the actors stand out or to make the scenes more realistic.

There was a lot of  Mise-En-Scene useds on the show. Some of which were things like the costumes, the actors speech, the extras etc. I found that the extras were used to make the scene more lively and to help the set the scene more. The costumes that were used helped to set the scenes. Also they could also give you an idea as to what the charcter was about. Not many props were used.

Finally, in most of the scenes sound wasn't used. The sound used to grab your attention, or to make you focus on a prop for example, a ringtone from a mobile. There was traffic used in some of the outdoor scenes to help set the scene. The speech of the characters helped to tell that the scene was set in the East End. At the end of  the show, the theme tune breaks into the scene. This is done to create suspence. I've realiesd that by analysing serial Dramas, I have a better view of how Media is used in today's world.

1 comment:

  1. Great start Latasha

    www you comment on lighting and its purpose, mise en scene and sound and you have bravely attemtped to make comment on the episode as a whole.

    ebi look to focus on particular moments within scenes to explore specific meanings created by choices of shots, direction of action, use of setting design etc.

    Well done.
