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Monday 11 April 2011

Target Audience-Latasha

The target audience for our film, I think that would be 15-24 year olds. The film is based on a teenager and her struggle with her state of mind and other problems she has in her life. Most teenagers in today's society would be able to link with Sarah's life quite well. I also think that the film does not need to be aimed at any younger children because of the rating of our film. I think that most people would enjoy our film as it is quite mind-boggling and focuses more on how a person's state of mind and how it can lead them to situations that can't be changed or solved.  I think that it is easier when you are aiming at a younger audience because of increase in technology use as you can use viral campaigns and then make it more easier to increase the word of mouth and the 'buzz' of the film before its released. 

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