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This blog has all my coursework that I am currently studying for AS Media. Please feel free to read and comment.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Editing the final task

Over the past 2 lessons our group has been editing our final task. However for us to get the best out of the editing section, we decided that we would each edit the movie in different ways. Then we would each take the sections out of each others and then put them together into 1 opening. I found the editing the movie quite hard as I had to take parts that would make the genre of the opening easy to see. Once I got the hang of it, it became easy to use. 

Overall, the opening is going to be quite use of the thing. The only problem I have is when it comes to the titles. I'm not sure how to add them and still make sure that it is no longer than 2 minutes. 

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