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Thursday 14 October 2010

Analysing opening movie scenes-Casino Royale

The homework we were given was to anaylse the opening scenes of 2 movies. The movies I chose to analyse is Casino Royale and Iron Man. This is the analysis for Casino Royale.

The film begins with a low angle medium shot of a black car arriving at a building. It is in Black and White. This suggests that it could be a memory or something that happened in the past. There is no music. As the car stops on the bottom left hand side of the screen, in white letters appears the following words: Prague, Czech Republic. The scene is possibly set at night because there is a streetlamp in the foreground that has been turned on. The shot the cuts to a low angled shot of a man entering the shot. He has just stepped out of the car. This man could be the main character of the movie. The next shot is another low angles meidum shot of an rising elevator. A close-up shot oif the man looking at the elevator numbers. It could mean that he on his way home or going to an office. There is a wide shot of a glass corridor with thew man walking down it. Next the scene cuts to inside a room and a low level shot of the man entering the room. The camera pans to the right as the man crosses the room.

The setting looks like an office. During the camera movement, a chair enters the shot. the camera stops at an over-the-shoulder shot of  behind the chair. The camera then cuts to a close-up of the man looking up, the background is out of focus. He has an alarmed look on his face. The shot then cuts to a medium shot of an open safe. it then cuts back to the close-up of the man, as a another man starts to speak. The  man turns around to reveal Bond sitting in the cair across the room. The forground is out of focus.

Next there is a medium close-up of Bond as he is still talking. The shot cuts to medium shot of the man as he leaves the shot from the left hand side. The camera cuts to a wide shot of Bond and the man as he sits down opposite Bond. There is no music in this scene as it could be used to create a tension between the two charcters. Bond is wearing a black coat as he is probably in the office as he is going to kill him. The man is a suit, this could mean that he is the owner of the buliding or has a very high status.

1 comment:

  1. Good description of the denotation but you need to explore the connotations a little more.

    Think how the shots connect to each other and how meaning is created through editing. Also examine the representation of Bond himself in more detail, how is he revealed as the protagonist? How do the various elements of Mise en scene show him to be the hero or are there questions raised in this sequence - is he and equivocal character both good and bad? If so how have the film makers created this ambiguity?
