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This blog has all my coursework that I am currently studying for AS Media. Please feel free to read and comment.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Film rating for our film

Our film would have a rating of 15 as it contains a dark theme. It focuses on  Sarah, the main character and her state of mind which lead to her disappearance. I think that the masked characters would probably scare children under 15 as they tend to appear out of nowhere. The fact that they are a pigmentation of her mind shows that we have to create a way of making them appear dark and mysterious. Also I think that it makes it harder for younger kids to understand what she's going through. Not that many teens do actually understand Sarah's situation. But I think that it they will relate in the way that Sarah feels, her loneliness and how she seems to handle her life. I think that 18 is too high a rating as the masked figures do not present any threat to anyone else but Sarah. They don't attack her in any way or harm any of her family. I think that she is a young teen who has a mental problem that she needs to overcome. 

Film Ratings

These are the different film ratings and what a film must contain to be given a specific rating. 

  • Cannot upset any child 
  • Must be suitable for the age of 4 and over
  • No discriminative language/behaviour
  • No illegal drug references unless it is anti-drug use
  • Mild scary sequences
  • Unlikely to cause anxiety
  • No potentially dangerous behaviour
  • Very mild bad language 
  • Natural nudity (kissing)
  • No sexual content
  • Mild violence

  • Discrimination is still unacceptable
  • No physical or mental drug reference 
  • No intense frightening scenes
  • No potential dangerous behaviour
  • Mild bad language
  • Natural nudity (kissing)
  • Discreet sexual activity
  • Moderate violence

  • Discriminative behaviour/language must not be endorsed as a whole
  • Any misuse of drugs shouldn't give instructional detail (how to use them etc)
  • Moderate physical behaviour
  • Physical/self harm must be used in detail
  • Moderate bad language (swearing cannot be used frequently or aggressively)
  • Discreet sexual activity/nudity
  • Mature themes
  • Moderate violence

  • Drug use can be shown but can't be promoted
  • Strong horror scenes are okay
  • Dangerous behaviour
  • Strong language is okay but can't be repeated
  • Nudity can't contain strong sexual activity
  • No theme needs to be portrayed
  • Strong violence but no gory scenes

  • No under 18s can watch the film
  • Crude sexual material 
  • Drug references but still can't be promoted 
  • Gory violence is fine
  • Strong language 
  • Nudity not too much sexual activity etc

Thursday 17 March 2011

What I understand about Synergy

Synergy is a when different companies join together to create a way that helps to promote their film through different media sources. For example, the Harry Potter franchise has video games and the film which helped to promote the books. This meant that the books would help to promote the film. Which also helps to promote the other merchandise. This is also called Constant Media Synergy as it never stops. 

Thursday 10 March 2011

Evaluation Questions

  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Loren
  • How does your media product represent particular social groups? Loren
  • What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Latasha
  • Who would be the audience for your media product? Latasha
  • How did you attract/address your audience? Chandni
  • What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Chandni
  • Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? Chandni
We have also planned to update our blogs with more analysis' of openings, posters and explanations of what we have done and why. 

Friday 4 March 2011

Evaluation of Filming and Editing

Our picture is complete and we are now about to complete our sound edit. On our day of filming I think that the filming went very well. If our group keeps going at our current pace. We should be able to finish before the end of term, I have finished what I have uploaded a blog post with film industries logos. Also, I intend to add more information to them about how we could use their designs to make our logos more successful. Also, I have almost finished the Poster Analysis but I think that our group is on track to complete most of our construction and planning. 

Film Industry Logos

Jerry Bruckheimer Films

This is the film logo for Jerry Bruckheimer films. Jerry Bruckheimer is very well known. He produces not only films but T.V programmes as well. He has produced films like Armageddon to Pirates Of The Caribbean. He also produces television programmes like CSI to Without A Trace. This logo is quite nice as it is something that could give an idea as to what films they produce etc. 

Touchstone Pictures

This the logo for Touchstone pictures. They are very well known and distributed a great deal of films. For example, Pretty Woman, 10 Things I Hate About You and Sweet Home Alabama. The simplicity if this logo makes it easier to remember all though it makes it harder to remember the company name as the logo has nothing to do with the company name.

Warner Bros. Pictures

This is the logo for Warner Bros. Pictures. They are a very well known distribution company and are the owners of Disney. They have distributed films like Harry Potter to The Matrix. This company also handles T.V shows like The Ellen DeGeneres Show and Tom and Jerry. As Warner Bro.s are a very well known, their logo is something that everyone will remember. the bright gold of the logo is useful as it immediately catches the eye of viewer/audience. This is a good way of increasing the company profile. It may sound strange but it means that people who want to distribute their film would be using a company who have been promoted through word of mouth. 

A Band Apart

A Band Apart are a film company created by film director Quentin Tarantino. They have produced film like Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction and Inglorious B******s. Unfortunately the company closed won in 2006. Although they did produced Inglorious B******s in 2009. This logo is quite strange however it does give an idea again as to what type of films the company may produce/distribute. The use of the stencil on a Khaki background makes the name stand out more because of the fact that the font is a simple font.